Black Walnut

Black Walnut Trees are a relatively rare tree for Southern Alberta but they have long been successfully grown in Medicine Hat. They make excellent shade trees and offer a splendid dappled shade with their loose open canopy. As a delicious autumn treat they produce large bounties of rich tasting nuts. They are low maintenance and exceptionally pest and disease resilient. They produce a brilliant fall show of bright yellow leaves. All and all we can not say enough good things about the Black Walnut tree as a consideration for anyones yard with appropriate space.



Additional information
Common Name

Black Walnut

Latin Name

Juglans nigra



Life Span


Growth Rate


Mature Height


Mature Spread


Flower Colour



Sweet Perfume Scent

Fall Colour




Soil Preference

Widely adaptable

Exposure Preference

Full sun

Cold Hardiness Zone

Zone 4

Special Attributes and Considerations

The Black Walnut tree has a special defence mechanism know as Allelopathy. The tree's roots exude a natural herbicide known as juglone. The toxicity of juglones to other plants is still up for debate, but potatoes, tomatoes, apples and lilacs may be stunted if grown within close proximately to a Black Walnut tree. Rest assured, turf grass and Black Walnut trees get along just fine.

Folk Lore

Medicine Hat has 3 Black Nuts trees with Heritage Tree status. These magnificent trees where planted by Mr. Earl Basset and they can be viewed at 114# Third St. NE. Over the years many seedlings have been germinated from the fallen nuts of these original Basset Black Walnut Trees. We even have some seedling of the same linage growing at our farm.
Black Walnut trees are also prized for their wood and are the most valuable timber crop in North America. Its dark brown colour and handsome grain structure make it some of the most sought after wood for furniture making. If you ever get a hair cut from old Harry at the the Aberdeen Barber shop, he will be proud to show you his excellent model trains he crafted from a big Black Walnut tree felled right here in Medicine Hat.

Available Sizes


Common Name

Black Walnut

Latin Name

Juglans nigra



Life Span


Growth Rate


Mature Height


Mature Spread


Flower Colour



Sweet Perfume Scent

Fall Colour




Soil Preference

Widely adaptable

Exposure Preference

Full sun

Cold Hardiness Zone

Zone 4

Special Attributes and Considerations

The Black Walnut tree has a special defence mechanism know as Allelopathy. The tree's roots exude a natural herbicide known as juglone. The toxicity of juglones to other plants is still up for debate, but potatoes, tomatoes, apples and lilacs may be stunted if grown within close proximately to a Black Walnut tree. Rest assured, turf grass and Black Walnut trees get along just fine.

Folk Lore

Medicine Hat has 3 Black Nuts trees with Heritage Tree status. These magnificent trees where planted by Mr. Earl Basset and they can be viewed at 114# Third St. NE. Over the years many seedlings have been germinated from the fallen nuts of these original Basset Black Walnut Trees. We even have some seedling of the same linage growing at our farm.
Black Walnut trees are also prized for their wood and are the most valuable timber crop in North America. Its dark brown colour and handsome grain structure make it some of the most sought after wood for furniture making. If you ever get a hair cut from old Harry at the the Aberdeen Barber shop, he will be proud to show you his excellent model trains he crafted from a big Black Walnut tree felled right here in Medicine Hat.

Available Sizes
